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Recently the SD card on my smartphone got corrupted. It happened as I had removed it accidentally, without un-mounting/ejecting it beforehand, as it was in the Hybrid sim slot of my smartphone and I removed it to change the sim card. When I tried accessing my SD card, it was corrupted and it was completely inaccessible and I tried different methods to access it. 

I tried various methods like:

1. Putting the SD card on a different phone.
2. Trying the card reader on all the different USB ports on my PC.
3. Trying different software mentioned in different "promotional" websites/blogs.
I was very much frustrated that I could not repair my corrupted SD card. The so-called softwares mentioned were just trying to rip me off as the previous users had mix-success with them and I would not believe these money making softwares with my hard-earned cash.

The final step in-order to recover my SD card was to "format" it and re-use it again. But, the data in the SD card was preventing me from killing it as I could not be able to see it again after the process.

Then I came around a method which was  my last hope to see my data again. It didn't require any software. The only thing that it required was a PC.

 As per that method,
1. I put the SD card into the card reader.
2. Inserted the card reader into one of the USB ports on the PC (Any port).
3. Right-clicked on the "My Computer" icon and selected "Manage" option (It requires Administrator access if you are on a "guest mode").
4. Selected "Disk-management" under the "Storage"drop-down list on the left side of the screen.
5. Right-clicked on the name of my corrupted SD card and selected "change the drive letter and paths" option.
6. Clicked on the "change" button.
7. Selected a different drive letter from the available list.
8. Clicked on OK.

After all these steps, I removed the card reader and Shut-down my PC.

I switched on my PC again and after it booted into the Windows, I inserted the card reader again and held my fingers-crossed, hoping for a miracle so that I could see my data-darling back again.

And Voila......!!!!

The SD card was repaired without any software or a format and my data was intact without any loss.

And this is how I repaired my corrupted SD card just by using my PC and its hardware (USB port).

Hope this method works for you too and always be patient and don't lose hope in trying to repair your SD card and recover the data.

Sometimes, if this method doesn't work for you, try other combinations of this method like trying different USB ports to repair and read, changing the drive letter multiple times etc.

If this method doesn't work for you and you are of those impatient people, then I recommend you to go for the softwares that have been made for this work.

This method may also work for corrupted USB pen drives and I have been waiting for one of my pendrive to get corrupted. 😃


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